Regressive resolution

ENSA Paris Malaquais
Licence 3 | 2nd term
Teacher : Pierre Cutellic
Student : Clément Gosselin, Charles Bouyssous

This project studio was an introduction to computationnal architecture by practicing simulation and programing. This studio included some programming courses on processing software.

We worked on a desert landskape. Those landskape contain profusion of a specific material like sand, ice, salt or sulphure. The idea was to simulate the formation of prearchitectural shapes by changing environemental parameter (température, pressure…) at two différent scales (a small and a global one).

Hence we studies deserts to see what kind of chimical reaction can be done in those environement depending on the local material. We focuce on chimical reaction that prodious solids. We get intereste in brine cristalisation. Hence, we situate our project on ice floe

We studied the bine cristalisation to identify all the variables involved in this changing state to realise a digital model that can simulate the cristalisation agregates. The variables involved in this reaction was the température the pressure and the salt concentration. The digital model was operationg at two différent scale (micro and macro).

Juil 02, 2013 Category: academic projects